Major Cloud Providers – Monthly Outage Recap December

MS Azure

12/14/18 Networking – UK West Between 03:30 and 12:25 UTC on 14 Dec 2018, a subset of customers in UK West may have intermittently experienced degraded performance, latency, network drops, or timeouts when accessing Azure resources hosted in this region. Similarly, customers with resources in UK West attempting to access resources outside of this region may have also see the same symptoms.

12/12/18 Azure Analysis Services – West Central US Between 21:55 UTC on 12 Dec 2018 and 09:55 UTC on 13 Dec 2018, a subset of customers using Azure Analysis Services in West Central US may have experienced issues accessing existing servers, provisioning new servers, resuming new servers, or performing SKU changes for active servers.

Log Analytics – East US Between 08:00 and 15:50 UTC on 12 Dec 2018, customers using Log Analytics in East US may have experienced delays in metrics data ingestion.

12/4/18 RCA – Networking – South Central US Between 02:48 UTC and 04:52 UTC on 04 Dec 2018, a subset of customers in South Central US may have experienced degraded performance, network drops, or timeouts when accessing Azure resources hosted in this region. 


12/27/18 Problems at Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services is having issues since 11:56 AM EST. Most reported problems:

  • Log-in (46%)
  • EC2 (40%)
  • S3 (13%)

12/12/18 AWS will offer a 10 percent refund in the next monthly bill of South Korean customers that were affected by last month’s network failure in Seoul, the company announced. The company suffered an hour-long network failure on November 22, which halted the services of major local online shopping malls and cryptocurrency exchanges. AWS later said the error, which lasted 84 minutes, was caused by a DNS server error in some parts of Seoul.

12/7/18 VMware Cloud on AWS – Network issues with NSX-T Users may experience networking issues with SDDCs using NSX-T with Direct Connect. Start Time: 02:00 PM UTC  End Time: 08:07 PM UTC 

12/6/18 VMware Cloud on AWS Service Availability issue VMware Cloud on AWS service experienced a brief intermittent availability issue and auto recovered. The issue briefly impacted VMware Cloud on AWS console functionality. Start Time: 12:32 AM UTC End Time: 12:45 AM UTC 

Other Platforms

12/31/18 SAP Cloud Platform Singapore [cf-ap11] – Service Advisory Since approximately 12:17 UTC on 29 Dec 2018, customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. Impact: Customers may experience issues in retrieving audit logs via Audit Log Viewer. End time 03:30 UTC

12/29/18 Google Cloud Storage Incident #18007 We are experiencing an issue with Google Cloud Storage manifesting as increased error rate in europe-west-1 beginning at Saturday, 2018-12-29 02:00 US/Pacific. Current data indicates that approximately 0.1% of requests in region are affected by this issue. Incident began at 2018-12-29 02:00 and ended at 08:00 (US/Pacific).

12/21/18 Google Cloud Storage Incident #18005

The Google Cloud Storage service issue is correlated to issues in Google Cloud Build and Google Cloud Functions in US Region. 08:51 –12:10

12/19/18 SAP Cloud Platform Europe (Rot) [neo-eu1] – Service Advisory Between 23:05 UTC on 18 Dec 2018 and 03:06 UTC 19 Dec 2018 customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. Impact: Lifecycle management operations for Java applications may not be possible

12/19/18 Google Cloud Storage Incident #18004 We’ve received a report of an issue with Google Cloud Storage error rates in Asia region Incident began at 2018-12-19 11:09 and ended at 2018-12-19 11:43 (US/Pacific).

Google Cloud Networking Incident #18019 We are investigating an issue with Google Cloud Networking in the zone europe-west1-b. Incident began at 2018-12-19 06:00 and ended at 2018-12-19 06:39 (US/Pacific).

12/18/18 SAP Cloud Platform Europe (Rot) [neo-eu1] – Service Advisory Between 10:00 UTC on 18 Dec 2018 and 10:24 UTC on 18 Dec 2018

Customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. Impact: Cloud Platform Cockpit may be unavailable

12/17/18 VMware Cloud Assembly & VMware Service Broker – Provisioning failure issue We are currently experiencing a Performance degradation issue with VMware Cloud Assembly & VMware Service Broker. Impact: Provisioning via blueprints that requires input parameters will fail. Start Time: December 17, 2018 02:48 PM UTC End Time: December 17, 2018 05:00 PM UTC 

12/16/18 VMware Cloud backend service Intermittent Availability issue VMware Cloud backend services are experiencing Intermittent Availability issue. Impact: User may not be able to access or experience trouble when logging into the VMware Cloud Services. We do not expect an impact to existing workloads. Start Time: December 16, 2018 01:38 PM UTC End Time: December 16, 2018 01:48 PM UTC 

12/11/18 SAP Cloud Platform Europe (Rot) [cf-eu1] – Service Advisory Since approximately 15:52 UTC on 11 Dec 2018, customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. Applications are currently running but end to end communication may be experiencing intermittent availability problems. End time 22:00 UTC

12/9/18 VMware Cloud Services intermittent login issue VMware Cloud Services are experiencing intermittent console login issues. Start Time: 15:10 PM UTC  End Time: 15:25 PM UTC

12/7/18 VMware Cloud on AWS – Network issues with NSX-T Users may experience networking issues with SDDCs using NSX-T with Direct Connect. Dec 7, 2:00 PM – Dec 8, 08:07 PM UTC

12/7/18 SAP Cloud Platform Europe [ias-eu] – Service Advisory Since approximately 11:48 UTC on 07 Dec 2018, customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. restored as of approximately 12:56 UTC

12/5/18 VMware Cloud backend service Availability issue User may not be able to access or experience trouble when logging into the the VMware Cloud Services. Dec 5, 4:00 – 5:30 UTC

VMware Log Intelligence Intermittent Availability issue User may not be able to access the service or may experience trouble while accessing the service. Dec 5, 08:15 – 09:00 UTC

12/4/18 VMware Cloud backend service Availability issue User may not be able to access or experienc trouble when logging into the the VMware Cloud Services. Dec 4, 06:00 – 06:25 UTC

12/2/18 VMware Cloud backend service Availability issue User may not be able to access the service or experiencing trouble when logging into the service. Dec 2, 09:30 – 10:03 UTC

12/2/18 SAP Cloud Platform [Multiple Landscape] Service Advisory Since approximately 06:10 A.M UTC Multiple services across the Landscapes are not accessible, due to an issue with Authentication service. restored approximately at 07:32 UTC on 2 Dec 2018, except API Management Service in Europe (Amsterdam)

12/1/18 SAP Cloud Platform Brazil (São Paulo) [cf-br10] – Service Advisory Since approximately 13:00 UTC on 01 Dec 2018, customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. End time 14:04 UTC. Impact: Applications and services in the region may be unavailable. Provisioning of backing services may be unavailable. Lifecycle management operations may be unavailable 

Europe (Rot) [neo-eu1] – Service Advisory Since approximately 07:48 UTC on 01 Dec 2018, customers may have experienced a disruption on the SAP Cloud Platform. End time 08:27 UTC Impact: Forms by Adobe may be unavailable