System Status: Operational

October 03, 2016

NormalvCentervCenter is operating normally
NormalvCloud DirectorvCloud Director is operating normally.
NormalVirtual MachinesAll VMs are operating normally
NormalVMware HostsAll hosts are operating normally
NormalVMware ClustersAll clusters operating normally
NormalSANAll SAN components operating normally
NormalL3 SwitchesAll switches operating normally
NormalFirewall ClustersAll firewall clusters operating normally
NormalInternet ConnectivityInternet connectivity is operating normally

Notes: Extreme packet loss observed in Boston. The issue appears to be with packet flow betweeen the firewall cluster and internal network. STRM shows a single customer VM heavily syn flooding. Shut down network interface and traffic normalizing. I have asked JTAC to explain how this is possible, since we have syn flood screens on this interface.