System Status: Operational with Exceptions

July 05, 2018
NormalvCentervCenter is operating normally
ImpairedvCloud DirectorvCloud Director is rebooting.
ImpairedVirtual MachinesVMs running on storage controller stcl01-node01 are being restarted.
NormalVMware HostsAll hosts are operating normally
NormalVMware ClustersAll clusters operating normally
ImpairedSANstcl01-node01 is back online. Logs being reviewed to determine root cause.
NormalL3 SwitchesAll switches operating normally
NormalFirewall ClustersAll firewally clusters operating normally
NormalInternet ConnectivityInternet connectivity is operating normally

Notes: A team is currently assigned to restoring service to Operations VMs to ensure system stability. A second team is assigned to restoring individual customer VMs.