System Status: Operational with Exceptions

November 12, 2019
NormalvCentervCenter is operating normally
NormalvCloud DirectorvCloud Director is operating normally.
NormalVirtual MachinesAll VMs are operating normally.
NormalVMware HostsAll hosts are operating normally
NormalVMware ClustersAll clusters operating normally
NormalSANPerforming emergency upgrade to stcl03 in Boston.
NormalL3 SwitchesAll switches operating normally
NormalFirewall ClustersAll firewall clusters operating normally
ImpairedInternet ConnectivityInternet connectivity is being targeted by the DDOS attack

Notes: Beginning at 9am Pacific Time, our engineers observed a volumetric DDOS attack coming from 1000s of IP address in many countries. These attacks started by targeting single a single IP address in Los Angeles. As our DDOS provider mitigated the attack, the number of IP address in both LA and Boston increased. Early disruptions were small, however we have had several outages lasting more than an hour. Our team is working hand—in-hand with the our DDOS vendor to do the best we can to weather the attack. We have received a ransom request.

We will try to keep this blog updated, however these outages do affect our website and this blog. Additionally, our communications firm will send out emails with information about the attack. We appreciate your patience as we work through this difficulty.